Can somebody share the nova.conf and neutron.conf from working mitaka? I am
also following the same guide and ran into a problem.

2016-04-18 16:51:07.982 2447 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions
NoSuchOptError: no such option in group neutron: auth_plugin

Not sure what did I do wrong. It was while launching an instance.



On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 2:46 AM, Nasir Mahmood <>

> Martinx,
> glad to see that you are able to dig into the typo issue. I remember, I
> had to completely re-re-clean install my virtual setup of OpenStack for a
> POC back in 2015 , just because I have had miss-configured my
> neutron.conf's mysql DB connector information.
> Cheers!
> Regards,
> Nasir Mahmood
> On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 7:02 AM, Martinx - ジェームズ <
>> wrote:
>> FIXED!! I knew it was a typo somewhere!   LOL
>> Thank you guys!
>> Sorry about the buzz on TWO mail lists...
>> At least, now we know that Nova silent fail on its start up, if
>> somethings aren't configured according... And there is no verification
>> steps to test the communication between Nova and Neutron.
>>  Mitaka is working now on Xenial! YAY!!
>> I'm about to commit changes to enable OpenvSwitch with DPDK and
>> multi-node deployments, fully automated!
>> Cheers!
>> Thiago
>> On 17 April 2016 at 21:26, Martinx - ジェームズ <>
>> wrote:
>>> On 17 April 2016 at 17:39, Martinx - ジェームズ <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Guys,
>>>>  I am trying to deploy Mitaka, on top of Ubuntu 16.04, by using the
>>>> following document:
>>>>  Yes, I know, the above document is for installing Mitaka on top of
>>>> Ubuntu 14.04 but, from what I understand, the only difference is that on
>>>> Xenial, there is no need to add the Ubuntu Mitaka Cloud Archive, since
>>>> Mitaka is the default on Xenial, so, I can follow that document, right?
>>>>  =)
>>>>  At first, OpenStack installation goes okay, without any errors, all
>>>> services comes up, etc... However, it is not possible to launch an 
>>>> Instance.
>>>>  *** Errors on launching the Instance:
>>>>  - Right after launching it:
>>>>  - Spawning it, after Glance finishes the download, similar error a
>>>> second time:
>>>>  What am I missing?
>>>>  Apparently, Nova is not authorized to talk with Neutron but, I am
>>>> following the docs (maybe it is just a typo somewhere?)...
>>>>  Also, I have an Ansible automation to deploy it, so, it is less error
>>>> prone. And however can help me, will see how I am deploying it.
>>>>  I see no error on Admin Dashboard, all services are up.
>>>>  NOTE: My Ansible playbooks is in a sense, "
>>>> fully automated", it is
>>>> very close to it, step-by-step.
>>>>  How can I debug this? I mean, how can I try to do, what Nova is doing
>>>> (its connection with Neutron), to make sure that the settings are in place
>>>> correctly?
>>>>  Here is how I am installing Mitaka on Xenial:
>>>> ---
>>>>  1- Install Ubuntu 16.04 server 64-bit on bare-metal;
>>>>    * Configure your /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts.
>>>>    DETAILS:
>>>>  2- Clone the automation:
>>>>     cd ~
>>>>     git clone
>>>>  3- Run the automation to install OpenStack (all-in-one)
>>>>     cd ~/svauto
>>>>    ./ --br-mode=LBR --use-dummies --base-os=ubuntu16
>>>> --base-os-upgrade=yes --openstack-release=mitaka --openstack-installation
>>>> --dry-run
>>>>    ansible-playbook -c local site-openstack.yml --extra-vars
>>>> "openstack_installation=yes"
>>>> ---
>>>>  NOTE: If you don't use "--dry-run" option, Ansible will be executed
>>>> automatically by "".
>>>>  I am sharing the Ansible playbooks, because it will be easier to see
>>>> what I am doing.
>>>>  About the relevant configuration blocks, I believe that I have it
>>>> properly configured (I followed Mitaka docs), like this:
>>>>  * neutron.conf:
>>>> -
>>>> -
>>>>  * nova.conf:
>>>> -
>>>> -
>>>>  I already installed OpenStack many, many, many times, since Havana
>>>> release, I'm confident that I am doing it right but, of course, maybe I did
>>>> something wrong this time...   =P
>>>>  I appreciate any help!
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Thiago
>>> Hey guys,
>>>  I am reviewing everything, to make sure that my automation matches
>>> in details.
>>>  Two things...
>>> ---
>>>  1- All the verification steps (from official doc) passed
>>> - passed
>>> - passed
>>> - passed
>>> - passed
>>> - passed
>>> - passed
>>> - passed (mine doesn't have /horizon)
>>> - passed but, I'm not using any cinder-volume yet
>>> - "6. Launch the instance" - FAIL
>>>   NOTE: I can create Networks, Subnets, Routers... I can see the Linux
>>> Namespaces at the Neutron L3 Router (All-in-One)
>>>  2- This problem happen no matter if deploying it with Linux Bridges
>>> (--br-mode=LBR) or with OpenvSwitch (--br-mode=OVS)
>>> ---
>>>  So, I think that OpenStack should provide more verification steps,
>>> specially to test the communication / authentication between its different
>>> projects, for example:
>>>  A- Does Nova can communicate with Neutron? How to test this?
>>>  B- Can Nova download images from Glance? Etc...
>>>  Doing more reviews now...
>>> Cheers!
>>> Thiago
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