
 I am trying to deploy Mitaka, on top of Ubuntu 16.04, by using the
following document:

 Yes, I know, the above document is for installing Mitaka on top of Ubuntu
14.04 but, from what I understand, the only difference is that on Xenial,
there is no need to add the Ubuntu Mitaka Cloud Archive, since Mitaka is
the default on Xenial, so, I can follow that document, right?    =)

 At first, OpenStack installation goes okay, without any errors, all
services comes up, etc... However, it is not possible to launch an Instance.

 *** Errors on launching the Instance:

 - Right after launching it:

 - Spawning it, after Glance finishes the download, similar error a second

 What am I missing?

 Apparently, Nova is not authorized to talk with Neutron but, I am
following the docs (maybe it is just a typo somewhere?)...

 Also, I have an Ansible automation to deploy it, so, it is less error
prone. And however can help me, will see how I am deploying it.

 I see no error on Admin Dashboard, all services are up.

 NOTE: My Ansible playbooks is in a sense, " fully automated", it is very
close to it, step-by-step.

 How can I debug this? I mean, how can I try to do, what Nova is doing (its
connection with Neutron), to make sure that the settings are in place

 Here is how I am installing Mitaka on Xenial:

 1- Install Ubuntu 16.04 server 64-bit on bare-metal;

   * Configure your /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts.


 2- Clone the automation:

    cd ~
    git clone

 3- Run the automation to install OpenStack (all-in-one)

    cd ~/svauto

   ./ --br-mode=LBR --use-dummies --base-os=ubuntu16
--base-os-upgrade=yes --openstack-release=mitaka --openstack-installation

   ansible-playbook -c local site-openstack.yml --extra-vars

 NOTE: If you don't use "--dry-run" option, Ansible will be executed
automatically by "".

 I am sharing the Ansible playbooks, because it will be easier to see what
I am doing.

 About the relevant configuration blocks, I believe that I have it properly
configured (I followed Mitaka docs), like this:

 * neutron.conf:

 * nova.conf:

 I already installed OpenStack many, many, many times, since Havana
release, I'm confident that I am doing it right but, of course, maybe I did
something wrong this time...   =P

 I appreciate any help!

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