On Friday 29 January 2010, Matthew Fletcher wrote:
> >> There appears to be a certain amount of rot in the amt_jtagaccel driver,
> >
> >That was my conclusion when I noticed, not long ago, that
> >it wouldn't even *build* with PPDEV enabled ... an issue
> >that's been around for quite some time.
> I can post a patch for review of some of the fixups i've done so far,

That'd be good.  If anything isn't yet suitable for merging
(given that the 0.4.0-RC phase is nearing its end), please
split that out separately.

> but i think  
> amt_jtagaccel / common_arm7-9 needs some attention as stepping in arm thumb 
> mode seems to cause invalid instruction traps and is generally pretty 
> unstable.

I think it was Nico who had a bunch of Thumb stepping fixes.
The quantity made me suspect there were likely more issues
lurking in that code!

I confess the only Thumb stepping I've done has been on Cortex-M3;
not the same.  Are you testing on a chip with an ICE that
does hardware stepping?

> >Those unexpected IDCODE message, like
> >
> >> Warn : Unexpected idcode after end of chain: 320 0x8000007f
> >
> >are frequently caused by clocking problems.  The correct
> >values would be 0x000000ff ... a one-bit shift of what
> >is actually reported.
> Getting the scope out showed that the jtag clock lines RTCK/TCK were not 
> showing anything, dropping the speed down to 500khz and then letting the RTCK 
> be
> the master clock seemed to fix these.

Hmmm ... there are also bugs in the adaptive clocking support
for amt_jtagaccel.  There should be some FIXME comment there;
minimally, use the generic interface to that functionality
instead of a driver-specific version.

> Ended up hacking the code to do this as the driver code 
> was easier to understand than the option parsing !

I'm not clear what you mean by that ...

- Dave
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