>> There appears to be a certain amount of rot in the amt_jtagaccel driver,
>That was my conclusion when I noticed, not long ago, that
>it wouldn't even *build* with PPDEV enabled ... an issue
>that's been around for quite some time.

I can post a patch for review of some of the fixups i've done so far, but i 
amt_jtagaccel / common_arm7-9 needs some attention as stepping in arm thumb 
mode seems to cause invalid instruction traps and is generally pretty unstable.

>Those unexpected IDCODE message, like
>> Warn : Unexpected idcode after end of chain: 320 0x8000007f
>are frequently caused by clocking problems.  The correct
>values would be 0x000000ff ... a one-bit shift of what
>is actually reported.

Getting the scope out showed that the jtag clock lines RTCK/TCK were not 
showing anything, dropping the speed down to 500khz and then letting the RTCK be
the master clock seemed to fix these. Ended up hacking the code to do this as 
the driver code
was easier to understand than the option parsing !

- Matthew

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