On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 04:44:37PM +0800, simon qian wrote:
> AVR-OCD-Document is verrrrrry old, it doesn't support some new
> devices.

Do you have anything better with JTAG OCD documentation for AVR8?

> For AVR8 support, there are other problems:
> 1. chips library
> Different AVR chips have different parameters, including Flash Page Size,
> EEPROM Page Size, Fuse Size and bit map, Lock bit map, Calibration Bytes
> Size.

Yes, but if somebody reworked AVR support in openOCD in a sane way, it
would be a matter of adding another config file, fairly trivial.

> In my programmer VSProg, I use a .xml configuration file for all
> these settings.

Does it work over JTAG? Which JTAG adapters does it support?

> If use .cfg for a AVR8 chip, there will be many such configure
> files.

I do not see a problem. Moreover if openOCD implements proper avr
support one can automatically convert configs.

> 2. Fuse setting check
> Some fuse value will kill the chip(make it unusable). 

Come on, it's not true. The most unfun thing is to accidentally switch
it to use external _generator_ but well, it's not that hard to use
something to provide clock even if that was the case.

> So it's better to use GUI to set the Fuse value, instead of passing
> hex value directly in the .cfg file.

avrdude has no GUI for the fuses and i never thought that's a
problem. Was it some kind of weird advertisement for your program? ;)

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