On Monday 11 January 2010, Thomas Kindler wrote:
> David Brownell wrote:
> > On Monday 11 January 2010, Thomas Kindler wrote:
> >> How could this be fixed or explained?
> > 
> > There's some curious voodoo in the Cortex-M3 code
> > where it mucks with fault handling ... see in the
> > cortex_m3_endreset_event() routine where it sets
> > up to trap some faults automagically.  REVISIT
> > comments mark at least two curiousities, also a
> > FIXME with respect to a more easily seen bug.
> Thanks! That seems to be the problem.  If I grep for DEMCR, it's written 
> not only in endreset, but also some other places.

Writing isn't the problem so much as writing bad
wrong things, I think.  ;)

> > If that's part of the issue, you might be able to
> > work around it by updating DEMCR before shutting
> > down.  "cortex_m3 vector_catch none" maybe.
> Well, it helps a bit. Adding "CoreDebug->DEMCR = 0;" to the start of my 
> program does the same.

To clarify:  it behaves fine  after adding that line,
no wierdness?

You should *NOT* need to do that.  A straightforward
"do the right thing" change to the M3 code might start
with writing the low half of DEMCR only to set up
halt-after-reset, or clear that ... and having some
kind of per-core flag to make sure that it doesn't
clobber any explicit catches of the reset vector.
(And making sure the vector_catch code behaves.)

Another question of course is what's triggering the
hard fault.  Do you know that yet?

> I still need to do a system reset (but no power-cycle), before the 
> processor executes hard faults again! .. strange.
> > Re needing a power cycle, it's a bit suggestive that
> > DHCR and DEMCR are not cleared by "normal" reset...
> Yes, it's also in the cortex_m3_r1p1 manual:
> "This register is not reset on a system reset.  This register is reset 
> by a power-on reset. Bits [19:16] are always cleared on a core reset.
> The debug monitor is enabled by software in the reset handler or later, 
> or by the AHB-AP port."

That's what I meant:  your lockup not clearing without power cycle
suggested it was related to debug hardware registers, since they
should not clear except by power cycling.

- Dave
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