
You are correct, target.c modifies for endianness.  This is helpful when I set 
openocd to -endian big; it sets the word order for mw and md commands to the 
same endianness as the binary files I want to load.  The problem is the 
target does not adjust for endianness like the xscale target does.

My board is a Atheros ar71xx with a MIPS 24Kc hardcore.  The cpu endianness 
cannot be changed and there is no other endianness in the SoC. The special 
registers read and write correctly when I configure openocd in little endian 
mode.  When I saw the discrepancy I thought, I have a big endian target, why 
should I not set "-endian big". So as a fix, I followed the practice in 
src/target/xscale.c:xscale_send() where word order is swapped depending on 
target->endianness. I can now read/write the special registers correctly and 
download a binary from my toolchain without modification.

Nico Coesel wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Zach Welch []
>> Sent: vrijdag 12 juni 2009 10:39
>> To: Nico Coesel
>> Cc: David Claffey; openocd-development
>> Subject: Re: [Openocd-development] mips32 big endian fix
>> On Fri, 2009-06-12 at 09:55 +0200, Nico Coesel wrote:
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From:
> [mailto:openocd-
>>>>] On Behalf Of David Claffey
>>>> Sent: donderdag 11 juni 2009 23:18
>>>> To: openocd-development
>>>> Subject: [Openocd-development] mips32 big endian fix
>>>> A patch is needed for MIPS big endian (elf32-tradbigmips) targets.
>>> Perhaps
>>>> I'm the first to test trunk with a MIPS big endian target.
>>>> If "-endian big" is not set in target create, the endianess
> defaults
>>> to
>>>> little.
>>>>  mw and md commands will still work, but binary file loads will
> have
>>> the
>>>> incorrect word order loaded into memory.
>>>> The EJTAG processor access data register (PrAcc) is little endian
>>> regardless
>>>> of the CPU endianness; it is always loaded LSB first. This is
>>> confirmed by
>>>> the fact that mips_ejtag_drscan_32() uses buf_set_u32() to load
> the
>>> scan
>>>> field;
>>>> buf_set_u32() is a little-endian formatter. For big endian
> targets,
>>> data
>>>> buffers have to be modified so the LSB of each u32 or u16 is at
> the
>>> lower
>>>> (first) memory location.
>>>> The attached patch for src/target/mips_m4k.c fixes the problem.
>>>> Included is a patch for src/target/mips_ejtag.c that fixes the
> case of
>>> a big
>>>> endian host.  Again it is related to PrAcc.  If the drscan
> out_value
>>> word
>>>> order is set using buf_set_u32() then it makes sense to also fixup
> the
>>>> in_value with buf_get_u32(); a symmetry argument. This has no
> affect
>>> on
>>>> little endian hosts.
>>> David,
>>> I strongly doubt your patch is required. AFAIK OpenOCD already
> modifies
>>> the loaded data for correct endianess at a higher level. Secondly I
>>> think endianess conversions should not be done inside a target
> specific
>>> file.
>>> I'm using OpenOCD with a MIPS target (AU1100) as well which is also
> big
>>> endian. I've configured OpenOCD to use little endian mode and that
> seems
>>> to be the proper setting. A thing to look out for is that the MIPS
>>> interface may do the endian conversion for you. Is the order of the
>>> special function registers correct when OpenOCD is in little endian
>>> mode? This the case with 'my' AU1100 target. You might want to check
>>> that first. If the special function registers read correctly in
> little
>>> endian mode then you'll need to modify the endianess of the binary
> file
>>> before loading it with OpenOCD. There are tools to do that. If I'm
>>> correct the bootloader Yamon comes with a tool called 'smunge' which
> can
>>> be used to modify the endianess of a file.
>> As you probably noticed, I already committed these changes, but they
>> will be trivial to revert.  Please let me know if I should remove
> them.
>> That said, why require an external tool manage the conversion?  Can
>> OpenOCD reasonably offer such support built-in?
> Zach,
> In case of the AU1100 the answer is no. The AU1100 SOC is a complete
> endian mess. For starters: the MIPS core starts in big endian but the
> external memory controller starts in little endian. This would imply
> endian conversion depending on the address. Way too complicated.
> Anyway when I use OpenOCD I can load the binary file (bootloader)
> without need for byte shuffling. If I use the MacGraigor software I need
> to shuffle the data first.
> I would like to hear from David first before a final judgement about his
> patches is made. I'm curious about the target he is working on.
> Nico Coesel
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