

How much work is involved in allowing meeting participants access to
adjust the magnification (zoom) of the Whiteboard without having to have
the rights to draw on the Whiteboard ?


When working with portrait documents, like Word documents, it is
important to zoom into the document and then scroll down the document
while people in the meeting discuss the various paragraphs (as a Word
page contains more text that can be displayed to the screen/whiteboard
and still be readable in "Full-Fit").


I like it when we get all the meeting participants to zoom the document
so that the document text is a good readable size, and then the
presenter can scroll the document, and it scrolls on everyone's screens
so they all follow where the discussion is up to. 


But currently to do this we have to;

1)       give them "Draw on the Whiteboard" rights, and 

2)      ask them to zoom their screens and 

3)      then remove "Draw on the Whiteboard" rights (so they don't
accidently change pages, or draw on the screen when we don't want them


Could meeting participants either a) have access to the Full-Fit and
zoom as standard, or b) can this be controlled separately by itself, and
not bundled with Draw on the Whiteboard rights.


I would ask other people to comment whether this would be useful for
them also ?  or maybe there are good reasons not to change this




George Kirkham


IT Manager



From: George Kirkham [mailto:gkirk...@co2crc.com.au] 
Sent: Thursday, 10 May 2012 12:02 PM
To: openmeetings-user@incubator.apache.org
Subject: exclusive audio in Build #68


Hi, I am testing the functionality in build #68


These I believe are issues, please check and comment.


Test scenario, one moderator, two other participants (one with Audio &
Video and one with Audio only) then join the meeting. A forth
participant joins the meeting 


1)      When the moderator hovers over the red disable icon of the
"Allow/Deny right to give exclusive audio" column for either of the two
other participants, the text that hovers is "Allow user to give
exclusive audio", but after they have been granted rights to give
exclusive audio, if you hover over the green circled tick, then the text
says "User is Moderator, he can do anything.", where as it would be more
correct if the hover text said "Remove ability to give exclusive audio",
like the "Remove ability to draw on the whiteboard".  The "Allow/Deny
right to Remote Control Screen" ticks also has the same issue (they
display "User is Moderator, he can do anything.").   In fact in this
scenario the statement "User is Moderator, he can do anything." is
incorrect as this user is not a moderator.

2)      I would have expected that giving users the "Allow user to give
exclusive audio" would allow users to control the who currently has
exclusive audio (i.e. whose mic is not muted), but the users cannot
control the use of "exclusive audio" (unless they are made moderators).

3)      It seems the only way to give exclusive audio is by clicking the
centre of  that persons video window, but if a person is set to "Audio
only", then they don't have a video window so there is no way to grant
them "exclusive audio".  Would it not be better to have a way to control
exclusive audio from the "Users" list?  Why not use the round green
(user speaks) icon.  (see point 5 where it was found that the fourth
user to the meeting did get a third, video like window where they could
control the "exclusive audio" for the person who was set to "audio
only".  But these windows did not appear for the moderator or the other
two who were the first to join.

4)      In the "Users" list there is a round green icon like the green
icon that appears in the Video window, but unlike the video window, it
does not change to solid green when the user is speaking, I believe it
is supposed to?  If it is not, then what does it do?  The hover text
says "User speaks".

5)      when a fourth user joined the meeting (with no audio/video),
they had two video windows (moderator and the one user who was sending
video) and one other window like a video window but without any picture
as the name label of that window indicated that it was the other user
who was sending audio only.  This fourth user, when made a moderator
could control who had "exclusive audio", but only when a moderator. The
other three users still had no way to give the "audio only" user,
"exclusive audio".

6)      I did a few audio tests to see how much echo was an issue, and I
am amazed, I had no echo.  I will try to test this again,  another day.
Thanks to those who have been working on OpenMeetings.





George Kirkham


IT Manager


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