On 2021-01-20 13:03, Andreas Wacknitz wrote:
Am 20.01.21 um 21:47 schrieb Tim Mooney via openindiana-discuss:
In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] distribution constructor for

On 2021-01-20 04:09, Tim Mooney via openindiana-discuss wrote:
In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] distribution constructor for

I would love to have XFCE.

But as I know, the OI devs will not package other DEs. They stay
royal to MATE.

You can't found any other DE's packages on the repo.

You might want to review the mailing list archives for this mailing
to get a clearer understanding of why that is.  It's been discussed

If you or Chris or someone else builds an entire desktop environment
like Cinnamon and publishes a repo that is kept up to date, I would
definitely give it a try, at least in a VM.  If someone does this and
keeps it up to date for a long time and continues to contribute to OI,
I would probably use that as my main desktop environment.

Just building it once, without a commitment to keeping it updated,
good for anyone, though.
TBH The only reason OI isn't my "daily driver" is the DE available. If I
had XFCE (what I currently use), or better, Cinnamon. I'd have a hard
not using OI. Overall I like it better. But I'm (currently) pretty well
committed to FreeBSD as maintainer of some 160 ports, and I create
installs for all my servers && clients. I've been on BSD since Bill Joy
forked 386BSD, and hacked on various NIX' before that. But if I could
cobble up an OI I could justify as a "daily driver", and something I
recommend to my clients. I'd make the switch.
Which brings me to why I initiated this thread. Since I need commitment
to justfy *my* commitment. I thought I'd send out a "feeler" to see if
there was any interest. Appears I'm not the only one. So I'm going to
"take the plunge". I'll start gathering all the information I need to
all the dots in a line, so I can start production. Any pointers to help
shorten the trajectory would be *greatly* appreciated. As well as
the wiki working. ;-)

I'm indifferent to Xfce, but when you start working on Cinnamon and deps,
that's something that I would be happy to collaborate on and test. 
and the irc channels are your best source for help on porting,
I find IRC stressful while I'm working, and somewhat hard to keep up on
(the threads). FreeBSD has a discord channel
(https://discord.com/channels/) -- IRC but also Web && app based. I find
that pretty darn easy to keep up with, and the (web based) UI really
lends itself to getting things done. Oh, and it's free. Works on yer
so-called smart/handheld devices too. :-)
and I've
gotten good feedback in PRs where I've asked questions or been stuck
part way through updating or porting a package.

Also, rather than the wiki, I would highly recommend


and then "HandBook->Building with oi-userland".  That's been migrated
the old wiki page and updated and had some corrections and a few
clarifications added.  There may still be improvements that could be
made, so the first few times through the process, please pay special
to places where that document misses information or appears
incorrect.  If
you mention the issues on oi-dev, I'll get PRs submitted (or you can,
if you fork the docs too) to try improve things.

I will happily merge enhancements to oi-docs.
And one more thing: We share the Sun Solaris ancestry with Oracle
Solaris. Some things have diverted during the last decade but the
repository is a first-class source of information and inspiration.
That's a good point, and I considered it. But I was unsure as to the
extent of any divergence.




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