On 18.01.12 20:49, Gary wrote:
So I use pkgsrc's openssh.

Are you using NetBSD's pkgsrc from scratch?
Like this? http://wiki-static.aydogan.net/How_to_use_pkgsrc_on_Solaris
Would you be so kind as to share the methods to your madness? :)
I use gcc-4.6.2 from the "sfw" IPS repository.
This is my mk.conf:
.ifdef BSD_PKG_MK       # begin pkgsrc settings

ABI=                    32
WRKOBJDIR=              /tmp/pkgwrk

PKG_DBDIR=              /var/db/pkg
LOCALBASE=              /usr/pkg
VARBASE=                /var
PKG_TOOLS_BIN=          /usr/pkg/sbin
PKGMANDIR=              man

TOOLS_PLATFORM.install?=        /usr/pkg/bin/install-sh
TOOLS_PLATFORM.sh?=             /usr/pkg/bin/pdksh
TOOLS_PLATFORM.ksh?=            /usr/pkg/bin/pdksh

TOOLS_PLATFORM.diff?=   /usr/bin/gdiff
TOOLS_PLATFORM.patch?=  /usr/gnu/bin/patch

PREFER_PKGSRC=          no
PREFER_NATIVE=          solaris-pam

X11_TYPE=               modular

USE_BUILTIN.curses=     yes
USE_BUILTIN.openssl=    yes

PREFER.sun-jre6=        native
JAVA_BINPREFIX=         /usr/bin

USE_DESTDIR             = yes

SU_CMD                  = /bin/pfexec /bin/sh -c


PKG_OPTIONS.openssl     = idea mdc2 rc5 threads zlib
PKG_OPTIONS.freetype2   = subpixel
PKG_OPTIONS.gmp         = mmx
PKG_OPTIONS.pari        = gmp x11
PKG_OPTIONS.sox         = lame
PKG_OPTIONS.lame        = unicode
PKG_OPTIONS.libsndfile  = oss
PKG_OPTIONS.openvpn     = pkcs11
PKG_OPTIONS.mplayer     += mplayer-ssse3 -pulseaudio
PKG_OPTIONS.gmplayer    += mplayer-ssse3 -pulseaudio
PKG_OPTIONS.gnome-mplayer += -pulseaudio -gnome -musicbrainz
PKG_OPTIONS.SDL         = -arts -pulseaudio
PKG_OPTIONS.pulseaudio  = avahi
PKG_OPTIONS.speex       = fftw simd
PKG_OPTIONS.unbound     = libevent
PKG_OPTIONS.nginx = dav flv mail-proxy memcache pcre realip ssl sub image-filter upload debug
PKG_OPTIONS.exim        = \
        exim-appendfile-maildir \
        exim-appendfile-mailstore \
        exim-appendfile-mbx \
        exim-content-scan \
        exim-lookup-dnsdb \
        exim-lookup-dsearch \
        exim-tls \
        exim-transport-lmtp \
        exim-auth-cyrus-sasl \
PKG_OPTIONS.imap-uw     = imapuw-cleartextpwd
PKG_OPTIONS.openssh     =
PKG_OPTIONS.ssh2        =
PKG_OPTIONS.php         = ssl
PKG_OPTIONS.php53-fpm   = ssl
PKG_OPTIONS.libsoup24   =
PKG_OPTIONS.webkit-gtk  =
PKG_OPTIONS.gtkdoc      =
PKG_OPTIONS.erlang      = erlang-hipe
PKG_OPTIONS.pidgin      = dbus
PKG_OPTIONS.gajim       = -avahi ssl
PKG_OPTIONS.pidgin      = -dbus -farsight -gstreamer -gtkspell
PKG_OPTIONS.centerim    = -gpgme
PKG_OPTIONS.libmemcached        = -dtrace

ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES     += openssl-patented-algorithms-nonlicense
ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES     += ssh-communications-security-license
ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES     += shorten-license
ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES     += lame-license
ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES     += mplayer-codec-license
ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES     += erlang-public-license
ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES     += postgresql-license
ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES     += gnu-lgpl-v2.1
ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES     += unrar-license

.endif                  # end pkgsrc settings

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