
James Carlson píše v st 18. 01. 2012 v 16:43 -0500:
> Milan Jurik wrote:
> > The question is if the work done for Solaris 9 is so crucial even today.
> > Additionally many things changed in cooperation of both sides, many
> > things were merged. Will such fork have so crucial and deep in design
> > advantages these days?
> "Done for Solaris 9?"  Wow, I think that substantially disparages the
> work that the Sun SSH team did in Solaris 10 and OpenSolaris.

the fork and the original reasons are from Solaris 9 time frame, aren't
they? Yes, a lot of happen during Solaris 10 and OpenSolaris but during
that time a lot of work is about merge between OpenSSH and SunSSH as you
can see from diffs.

> I hope some of those folks are on the list and can respond
> appropriately.  I wasn't a member of that team, but I was there at Sun
> when the discussions of why forking was necessary occurred, and the
> issues were (and are) not trivial.

I also wasn't member of the team but I could follow it very closely in
last years. Yes, the issues are not trivial, but we should compare costs
and benefits.

> But, hey, it's your system.  Install anything you want on it.  Much luck.

Personally I do not plan to add plain OpenSSH to the system now, I was
arguing why I am thinking spending some time on extracting key parts of
SunSSH and adding them on top of OpenSSH would be benefitial in long

Best regards,


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