Milan Jurik wrote:
> The question is if the work done for Solaris 9 is so crucial even today.
> Additionally many things changed in cooperation of both sides, many
> things were merged. Will such fork have so crucial and deep in design
> advantages these days?

"Done for Solaris 9?"  Wow, I think that substantially disparages the
work that the Sun SSH team did in Solaris 10 and OpenSolaris.

I hope some of those folks are on the list and can respond
appropriately.  I wasn't a member of that team, but I was there at Sun
when the discussions of why forking was necessary occurred, and the
issues were (and are) not trivial.

But, hey, it's your system.  Install anything you want on it.  Much luck.

James Carlson         42.703N 71.076W         <>

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