Thank you very much for the info!!!

> Hello,
>>"store it alongside the database records as mychem does it" mmmmmmm,
>>where? for me is unclear the MyChem database schema (obserialized field).
> 'fp2' is the fp2 fingerprint byte[] as a MySQL BLOB.
> 'obserialized' is the serialized binary representation of an OBMol for
> performance reasons (saving a lot of time not building it from SMILES or
> Molfile each time, going through aromaticity detection etc. only once).
> Since a fingerprint is a 'lossy' representation of the original molecule,
> each candidate that comes from the fingerprint screening phase has to be
> rechecked for subgraph isomorphism - and there any CPU cycle you can save
> helps.
> See:
>>A good example of chemical structures database is MolDB, by the way!!!
> Yes, I know. ;-)
> "Alternatively, you can use the Barsoi DLL, a library based on a C port of
> checkmol/matchmol which has been developed as a part of the
> pgchem::tigress project by Ernst-Georg Schmid (see below)."
> But while it's a well structured and understandable system, it's certainly
> not the only and probably not the fastest way to do it. So I would
> consider this as a starting point - it was mine too. :-)
> best regards,
> Ernst-Georg

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