But if i need to design a chemical structures database... the way to do it
is just to store the SMILES or structure "id" in a table, and for the
searches just work with the .fs binary file?

Is a good option to store in a table the id, SMILES, fp2 fingerprint and
.fs for each structure, regarding the database performance?

What do you think about MyChem? http://mychem.sourceforge.net/
Best regards.

> On 11/10/11 7:44 AM, David García Aristegui wrote:
>> Hello, i'm reading about substructure and similarity searches...
>> http://openbabel.org/docs/dev/Fingerprints/fingerprints.html
>> "On larger datasets it is necessary to first build a fastsearch index.
>> This is a new file that stores a database of fingerprints for the files
>> indexed. You will still need to keep both the new .fs fastsearch index
>> and
>> the original files. However, the new index will allow significantly
>> faster
>> searching and similarity comparisons"
>> Does anyone know what is the best way to store the fastsearch index (to
>> reuse it) in a chemical structures database? best field type to store
>> it?
>> (i'm using MySQL).
> Don't store it in the database.  Just keep it in a file.  It's a huge
> binary file, and there's no point at all storing it in the database;
> that's not what relational databases are good at.  We use our own
> fingerprint algorithms, but the idea is the same: fingerprints are stored
> in an external file, along with the primary key to our SMILES table in the
> database.
> Craig
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