On 11/16/11 3:55 AM, Ernst-Georg Schmid wrote:

>> InChI-Key are exactly done for exact searching.
> exactly, unlike different SMILES canonicalization implementations
>  the InChI algorithm is standardized.

In my opinion, this is a common but incorrect criticism of SMILES.  Variations 
in canonical implementations don't matter for cheminformatics, because each 
database uses just one implementation.

The idea of a "universal" canonical form is an impossible goal.  We constantly 
learn about chemistry and add that knowledge to our software, which changes the 
canonical form. Bugs are also inevitable, and bug fixes also change the 
canonical form.  This is true whether you're using InChI, SMILES or some other 
canonical identifier.

For example, I believe aromatic selenium was confirmed after the original 
SMILES papers were published. If SMILES had been an immutable standard, that 
new knowledge would have been ignored.

In real life, bugs in a canonicalizer are a HUGE problem compared to whether 
the canonical form might change five years from now. Adapting to new version of 
canonicalization is a trivial problem - you just run through your database once 
and update your records.  But bugs in the canonicalizer cause actual errors: 
duplicate structures, missing structures, and incorrect search results.

If you choose InChI over SMILES because you think InChI is more stable, then 
you're overlooking the realities of managing a cheminformatics system.  Choose 
the one that gives correct answers and is actively maintained by an open-source 


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