"store it alongside the database records as mychem does it" mmmmmmm,
where? for me is unclear the MyChem database schema (obserialized field).

A good example of chemical structures database is MolDB, by the way!!!

Best regards.

> Hello,
>>Does anyone know what is the best way to store the fastsearch index (to
>>reuse it) in a chemical structures database? best field type to store it?
>>(i'm using MySQL).
> you could:
> - store it outside the database in a file with pointers to the records in
> the database as Craig A. James suggested
> - store it outside the database in memory with pointers to the records as
> the Infochem cartridge for Oracle does it
> - store it alongside the database records as mychem does it
> - store it in a true database index structure as pgchem and Bingo do it
> (because PostgreSQL allows to do this through an official API as Oracle
> does too)
> I agree that the worst idea is to store the file as a huge BLOB in the
> database as MDL/Symyx/Accelrys apparently does. It is fast for searching,
> but a nightmare in all cases the index has to be altered (i.e.
> INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE) since you have to go through the DBMSes BLOB
> handling routines then.
> best regards,
> Ernst-Georg

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