Some comments on the glossary <>


   "This is a living document ..."

It should rather be a querying tool.

   "This is a living document that captures how key terms are used in
   IETF and other SDO documents."

"used in IETF" might be enough. ISO, as a SDO, is already well equipped.

I agree with: "The goal of this glossary is to increase the awareness of the different definitions of a term".

However unfortunately, "definitions" in RFCs are not really "definitions" as they look more like a lot of explanations. See RFC 6749 §1.4 <>

"Access token" is the first example of the list and its "definition" spans over 12 lines of text.

On the contrary, the ISO OBP has 6 definitions for an "access token", where each definition is only one line long.

Some more guidance should be given by the RFC editor for the edition of future IDs and RFCs.

The two following sentences seem to be contradictory:

   The glossary will contain: terms and definitions used in finalized
   documents; and references to new terms and definitions being
   proposed in draft documents.

   New definitions for existing terms, or new terms being used in draft
   documents will not be published in the Glossary until the document
   has been finalized.


Adding the id-align list to the thread.

The *draft* proposal is talking about a *live* document, with some ideas borrowed from the IANA registry process. We are sharing this here to get the community's thoughts on this, so we would together come up with a proper process for such a document.


On Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 4:12 PM Carsten Bormann <> wrote:

    On 2024-06-13, at 22:02, Dick Hardt <> wrote:
    > ISO has its processes and IETF has its processes


    We don’t have a process for living documents.

    (We do have processes for IANA registries, which could be misused
    here.  Maybe that is actually what you are trying to do here.  I’d
    love to be Designated Expert on that registry :-)

    Grüße, Carsten

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