Rifaat Shekh-Yusef <rifaat.s.i...@gmail.com> wrote:
    > That's where we started, but that was deemed problematic because that
    > document was produced as an Independent Submission Stream, which is
    > outside of the IETF process.  Also, the RFC is a static document, while
    > what we are proposing is a living and dynamic document.

I think that we can update/replace 4949.  The fact that it came through ISE
doesn't matter: we can produce a new document.

While I agree that we need a living document which is easy to extend and
amend, I don't actually think we want "dynamic".  Having the definition of
terms change from under the users of the term is a problem.

So I am in agreement that a git backed wiki is a good way to build a
terminology, I think that the contents should be fixed periodically so that
it can be stably referenced.  That doesn't mean it has to be an RFC; many
wiki have the ability to reference a term at a specific date.

ps: thank you for championing this, it's way overdue.

Michael Richardson <mcr+i...@sandelman.ca>   . o O ( IPv6 IøT consulting )
           Sandelman Software Works Inc, Ottawa and Worldwide

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