On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 2:11 PM, David Recordon <record...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 1:36 PM, Zeltsan, Zachary (Zachary)
>> “The client makes the following request at an arbitrary but reasonable
>> interval which MUST NOT exceed the minimum interval rate provided by
>>   the authorization server (if present via the "interval" parameter).”
>> My understanding is that the intervals between the client’s subsequent
>> requests must not be less than the value provided by the “interval”
>> parameter (if it is present). If that is correct than the intervals between
>> the subsequent requests MUST exceed (or be equal to) the value of the
>> “interval” parameter.
> Thanks! Reworded to "The client makes the following request at an arbitrary
> but reasonable interval which MUST NOT be less than the minimum interval
> rate provided by the authorization server"

It still sounds confusing to me.  Part of the problem is that we're
talking both about an interval (a length of time) and a frequency
(requests per unit of time).

How about:

The client makes the next request after an arbitrary but reasonable
length of time, which MUST be longer than or equal to the minimum
length of time provided by the authorization server in the "interval"
parameter if present.

I changed "following" to "next" because the former makes it sound like
the next paragraph will have details about the request.

I changed "at an arbitrary" to "after an arbitrary" since we're
talking here about lengths of time.

I replaced "interval" with "length of time" to make it clear we're
talking about the length of time and not the corresponding frequency.

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