Section 1.5:

"The client makes the following request at an arbitrary but reasonable

interval which MUST NOT exceed the minimum interval rate provided by
  the authorization server (if present via the "interval" parameter)."

My understanding is that the intervals between the client's subsequent requests 
must not be less than the value provided by the "interval" parameter (if it is 
present). If that is correct than the intervals between the subsequent requests 
MUST exceed (or be equal to) the value of the "interval" parameter.

Section 1.4:


         OPTIONAL.  The minimum amount of time in seconds that the

         client SHOULD wait between polling requests to the token

The definition uses the SHOULD requirement, while in section 1.5 the MUST 
requirement is used. Should not the requirement be the same in both places?


From: [] On Behalf Of David 
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2010 3:47 PM
To: OAuth WG
Cc: Jim Brusstar
Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Device profile draft

I've broken the device profile out of draft 06 so that it now lives in a 
separate document as an extension and have updated it to fit into the draft 10 
structure. It defines a new "device endpoint" for the initial setup request 
where the client gets the two codes and URL. It then uses the existing token 
endpoint for polling for an access token.

Jim is currently working on an implementation of it and we're generally looking 
for feedback from implementors. The current polling mechanism hasn't been 
tested in production deployments so it's possible that it may change in future 
drafts. My goal is for this to become a working group draft.


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