On Feb 18, 2010, at 9:14 AM, Eran Hammer-Lahav wrote:

> A few questions we should answer before moving forward. Considering *your* 
> use cases and reasons for being here:
> 1. Why are you here? What are you trying to solve that is not already 
> addressed by existing specifications (OAuth 1.0a, WRAP, etc)?

I'm here because I believe that openness can make the internet a better place. 
In a perfect world, an app developer wouldn't have to write code for each new 
service provider; everything would just work. More concretely, I'm here because 
I want to help develop OAuth into something suitable not only for the 
average-sized site, but suitable even for a site as large and complicated as 
Facebook to adopt as its main authorization protocol.

The problems with OAuth 1.0a are that the flow is too complicated, the protocol 
is non-performant (specifically, too many roundtrips), and it doesn't support 
non-website use cases such as desktop or mobile as effectively as other 

> 2. Should the WG start by taking WRAP or OAuth 1.0a as its starting point? 
> Something else?

By focusing on actual use cases, I believe WRAP has more potential as a 
starting point. However, OAuth 1.0a is more mature. Either would be fine as a 
starting point.

> 5. Do you think the approach of working first on 'how to use a token' and 
> then on 'how to get a token' is right?


> 6. Should we go back to working on a single specification?

I'm not sure if working on a single specification is the right answer (e.g., we 
might want one specification for obtaining tokens and another one for how to 
use them), but I believe we should unify efforts on a set of interoperable 
standards instead of working on competing ones.

> 7. Do you think the protocol should include a signature-based authentication 
> scheme?


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