A few questions we should answer before moving forward. Considering *your* use 
cases and reasons for being here:

1. Why are you here?
I'm interested to learn about status and directions of upcomming OAuth 2.0 standard and to contribute my experiences with token based web service security infrastructures.
What are you trying to solve that is not already addressed by existing 
specifications (OAuth 1.0a, WRAP, etc)?
I would appreciate improved support for environments with central authorization services and an "open triangle" style architecture (no direct communication between web service and authorization server) .

OAuth 1.0a requires the protected resource to know consumer key and secret, which is a security issue in our environment (central authorization server, various services exposing protected resources outside of our control). It should be sufficent to use token related data in order to verify a token (or a message carrying the token, respectively).

Just passing the token (bearer tokens) to a service should be an option (typically over HTTPS).

It is difficult to revoke access tokens in our environment. I see the following options: a) Force the protected resource to check the token validity on each request (requires remote calls - imperformant)
 b) Push revocations to all services (complex)
c) Use a combination of long (months)- and short-living (minutes-hours) tokens, long-living tokens are exchanged for short living tokens, which in turn are used for service invocation. The revocation is checked by the authorization server when issuing short-living tokens.
The coming OAuth spec should support option (c)

2. Should the WG start by taking WRAP or OAuth 1.0a as its starting point? 
Something else?
draft-hammer-http-token-auth + WRAP

3. If we start from draft-hammer-oauth, what needs to change to turn it into 
OAuth 2.0?

4. If we start from draft-hardt-oauth, what needs to change to turn it into 
OAuth 2.0?
authorization servers should optionally issue token secrets in order to support message signing.
5. Do you think the approach of working first on 'how to use a token' and then 
on 'how to get a token' is right?
Both topics interdependent on each other, so building the big picture first and elaborate the specification in two steps later on might be better
6. Should we go back to working on a single specification?
7. Do you think the protocol should include a signature-based authentication 

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