valepakh commented on code in PR #4778:

@@ -78,6 +84,13 @@ private static List<Object> pojo() {
         return List.of(Pojo.generateTestPojo());
+    private static List<Arguments> notMarshalled() {
+        return List.of(
+                arguments(Tuple.create(), ComputeJobType.MARSHALLED_TUPLE),

Review Comment:
   For me packing is what we do with the message packer/unpacker and 
marshalling is what we do with the marshaller.
   So we can have marshalled packed data, if the job declares custom 
marshaller, the data will be marshalled first, and then the resulting byte 
array will be packed for transfer (between client and server). And network 
messaging is another case, but I don't have a name for it.

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