On 11 Feb 2011 Michael Drake  wrote:

> In article <564212a451.r...@user.minijem.plus.com>,
>    Richard Porter <r...@minijem.plus.com> wrote:
>> On 11 Feb 2011 Michael Drake  wrote:

>>> Out of interest, what speed do you get if you set "incremental_reflow"
>>> to "0" in the Choices file?  If your test pages have changed, please
>>> test again with the original settings first.

>> Wow! 8s and 6s respectively - infinitely better on all counts!

> Interesting.

>> Incremental reflow might enable you to see some images before the
>> whole lot are downloaded but it isn't worth the candle unless you're
>> running on really fast hardware.

> I'm not sure there isn't something strange happening on your system.

I hope not, but the Iyonix should be a bit faster than a RiscPC with a 
Vpod (1280x1024, 16M colours if it matters).

> On my system (an Iyonix), your url[1] loads with incremental reflow
> enabled in less than 4s.

> 1:
> http://www.minimarcos.org.uk/cgi-bin/forum/Blah.pl?,b=MM,v=display,m=1
> 296606335,s=4,highlight=#num4

Try the other test. Go to http://www.minimarcos.org.uk/galleries.html 
and click on the link "Mk.VI". This takes you to the bottom of a 
largish thumbnail index. It was taking a lot of time to reformat the 
table, redraw the page and then reposition it to the on-page name tag 
every few images.

Richard Porter                        http://www.minijem.plus.com/
I don't want a "user experience" - I just want stuff that works.

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