On 11 Feb 2011 Michael Drake  wrote:

> In article <66463fa051.r...@user.minijem.plus.com>,
>    Richard Porter <r...@minijem.plus.com> wrote:

>> Test 1 - following a link to near the bottom of a thumbnail index.

>> NetSurf r11515  28s

>> Test 2 - following a link to the latest forum post from the "top 10"
>> latest posts page.

>> NetSurf         17s

> Out of interest, what speed do you get if you set "incremental_reflow" to
> "0" in the Choices file?  If your test pages have changed, please test
> again with the original settings first.

Wow! 8s and 6s respectively - infinitely better on all counts! This 
should be the default, or at least it should be in one of the 
configuration subwindows.

Incremental reflow might enable you to see some images before the 
whole lot are downloaded but it isn't worth the candle unless you're 
running on really fast hardware.

Thanks for that.

Richard Porter                        http://www.minijem.plus.com/
I don't want a "user experience" - I just want stuff that works.

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