Hello All,
I have tried creating a git patch with the command below so that I could
e-mail it to this mailing list but all I got was an empty file.
> git format-patch master --stdout > bug2171.patch
To progress things I have included the two files that I have modified to
fix Bug 2171 but I would like to know what the correct command that I'm
supposed to use to create a patch would be (the above command was all I
could find on several tutorial websites and I don't have time right now
to dig any deeper into git).
Well I tried attaching the files I changed in a .zip format and .tar.gz
format and the mail server rejected both of them so this is what I changed:
In "FatMessages" I added (obviously at appropriate points):
en.ro.HotlistShowNoShortcut:Show hotlist...
de.ro.HotlistShowNoShortcut:Hotlist zeigen...
fr.ro.HotlistShowNoShortcut:Montrer les favoris...
en.ro.HistGlobalNoShortcut:Show global history...
de.ro.HistGlobalNoShortcut:History (global) zeigen...
fr.ro.HistGlobalNoShortcut:Montrer l'historique global...
it.ro.HistGlobalNoShortcut:Mostra cronologia globale...
and then in "iconbar.c" I modified the menu initialization to:
static const struct ns_menu iconbar_definition = {
"NetSurf", {
{ "Info", NO_ACTION, &dialog_info },
{ "AppHelpNoShortcut", HELP_OPEN_CONTENTS, 0 },
{ "Open.OpenURL", BROWSER_NAVIGATE_URL, &dialog_openurl },
{ "Open.HotlistShowNoShortcut", HOTLIST_SHOW, 0 },
{ "Open.HistGlobalNoShortcut", HISTORY_SHOW_GLOBAL, 0 },
{ "Open.ShowCookies", COOKIES_SHOW, 0 },
{ "Choices", CHOICES_SHOW, 0 },
{ "Quit", APPLICATION_QUIT, 0 },
{NULL, 0, 0}
Hopefully this will be useful to someone who can properly apply the patch.
On 03/06/2015 06:22 PM, Steve Fryatt wrote:
On 6 Mar, "Glen Walker" wrote in message
I'm away this weekend but hopefully next week I'll get some time to digest
what you have written and maybe even squash 2171 - if I do any bug fixing,
how would I submit the revisions?
For now, you'll probably need to make the changes in your working copy then
get git to create a patch file which you can post as an attachment to this
list, or submit via one of the methods described here:
I tend to mainly follow this mailing list, so posting things for the RISC OS
front-end here might be best.
Longer term, you should be able to get commit access to the git repository
-- at least for /netsurf/riscos -- if you're contributing regularly. That's
up to someone else, though. :-)