On Thu, 05 Mar 2015 12:01:05 -0000, Rob Kendrick <r...@netsurf-browser.org> wrote:

On Thu, Mar 05, 2015 at 12:56:53PM +0100, Glen Walker wrote:
Aha! Excellent, thank you!

Do you think it would be appropriate to define another version of "AppHelp" (and other menu entries) for use where the the function key shortcut does not apply? Something like this:

en.ro.AppHelp:Help... F1
de.ro.AppHelp:Hilfe... F1
fr.ro.AppHelp:Aide... F1
it.ro.AppHelp:Aiuto... F1
nl.ro.AppHelp:Hulp... F1


Or is there a cleaner way? I'll get my thinking cap on...

I suspect it's either this (although I would use NoAccel or NoShortcut),
or an ugly heuristic to modify and truncate after ... - I think I prefer
the former.

Of course, we could have a system of user-definable shortcuts such that
the menu entries are generated programmatically, but this is obviously a
huge task.


Couldn't the messages in the UI messages file contain a special character to denote the start of a keyboard shortcut? Something that wouldn't make sense for a menu item, like a CR? I suppose that's not very friendly in terms of the messages file itself, so maybe something else, like a forward slash.

The ro_gui_translate() (if that is the right function - I haven't looked) could be passed an extra parameter to either truncate the string at that point, or remove the special character from the string.


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