Hi folks,

Great to see the Essex discussion starting up.

I know there are several parties looking to integrate advanced network
services (e.g., L3 forwarding, firewalling, load balancing, WAN bridging,
WAN optimization, etc.) with Quantum.   Such services are a key part of why
we wanted to develop Quantum in the first place, and I definitely don't want
to down play that.

I do, however, think we have to be a bit careful about trying to boil the
ocean at the design summit.  We probably aren't going to get everyone to
agree on an API for all L3-L7 network services in a three day span and
trying to do so might risk taking the focus off of vary practical things
that we need to do to make sure Quantum a scalable and production quality
system for those looking to take it into production during the Essex time
period (I know we have a set of customers in this class, and I'm guessing
others on this list do as well).

I would propose a 3-phase summit approach for NetStack:
- Phase 1:  well-scoped / practical blueprints (e.g., API v1.1, improving
API auth, vmware/bridge plugins).
- Phase 2: discuss general design of how we insert higher-level network
services.  This will talk about how such services can interact with Quantum,
but does not attempt to design the service itself.  Given the number of
different groups I expect to be working in this space in the coming months,
I definitely think we want to give the community a structure for how such
services should or should not be integrated.  As I mentioned last week, I
will be putting together a blueprint on this and would welcome participation
by others.
- Phase 3: discuss details (e.g., supported functionality, API) of specific
advanced network services.  Probably the most likely candidates based on
discussions at the diablo summit are security policies/ACLs, L3
functionality, and WAN-bridging/DC-interconnect.  The expectation would be
that at the summit we at least come up with a basic framework for how these
services might integrate with Quantum (with respect to the phase 2
discussion) and start to build a core group of people interested in working
on them during the Essex timeframe.

What do others think about this approach?


On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 8:35 AM, Salvatore Orlando <
salvatore.orla...@eu.citrix.com> wrote:

> Hi Ram, ****
> ** **
> Thanks for sharing your proposed sessions for the design summit.****
> I think that for this summit we will not be creating blueprints and them
> propose them for “sprint” as we did for Diablo, but we should rather propose
> sessions on the summit.openstack.org/sessions.****
> However, since we are going to have our own track, it will be good to hear
> some organizational details from Thierry how many sessions we can fit in it.
> ****
> ** **
> All the elements in your list make perfect sense for me. However, I’m
> afraid I do not understand very well what do you mean by “Hybrid Cloud
> Service Framework”. Can you elaborate a bit more on this?****
> ** **
> I think your list is not very far from mine, and we can probably merge them
> as follows:****
> ** **
> **1.       **L3 networking services (beyond IPAM) ****
> **2.       **Higher layer network services (L4/L7)****
> **1.       **Firewall and Security Groups****
> **2.       **Network Acceleration Services Insertion Framework
> LB, Symmetric services – Acceleration services and so on****
> **3.       **NAT****
> **4.       **VPN Access****
> **3.       **Quantum “Basic” Plugin****
> **1.       **Linux Bridge****
> **2.       **Solution supporting all hypervisor platforms including
> ESX/Hyper-V****
> **4.       **Hybrid Cloud Service Framework****
> **5.       **Quantum API v1.1****
> **1.       **Synchronous vs Asynchronous behaviour and concept of
> “Operational Status”****
> **2.       **Improvements such as Filtering, Rate Limiting, Resource
> Links, pagination****
> **6.       **Cloud Bridging APIs in Quantum****
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* Ram Durairaj (radurair) [mailto:radur...@cisco.com]
> *Sent:* 19 September 2011 16:21
> *To:* Salvatore Orlando; netstack@lists.launchpad.net
> *Cc:* Thierry Carrez
> *Subject:* RE: [Netstack] Proposing sessions for Openstack design summitq*
> ***
> ** **
> Hello Salvatore and all:****
> ** **
> We suppose to have a Netstack track…Its good to follow-up with Thierry to
> group all the Net stack related blueprint and sessions in one track for all
> the interested community participants to contribute and discuss.****
> ** **
> In addition to the list, here are few more items from our side:****
> ** **
> **1.       **L3 Service – As  a service as Quantum****
> **2.       **Hybrid Cloud Service Framework****
> **3.       **Network Acceleration Services Insertion Framework (LB,
> Symmetric services – Acceleration services and so on)****
> **4.       **Quantum Asynchronous API mode****
> **5.       **Quantum Security Groups support****
> **6.       **Quantum “Basic Plugin (Linux bridge?)****
> ** **
> Few more services we are discussing internally  and we will add them here.
> ****
> ** **
> Thanks****
> Ram****
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* netstack-bounces+radurair=cisco....@lists.launchpad.net [mailto:
> netstack-bounces+radurair=cisco....@lists.launchpad.net] *On Behalf Of 
> *Salvatore
> Orlando
> *Sent:* Monday, September 19, 2011 7:49 AM
> *To:* netstack@lists.launchpad.net
> *Subject:* [Netstack] Proposing sessions for Openstack design summitq****
> ** **
> Hello fellow NetStackers, ****
> ** **
> The list of proposed session at http://summit.openstack.org/sessions is
> filling up, and I think it is time we start proposing our own sessions as
> well.****
> ** **
> Actually, there are already two accepted sessions for NetStack:****
> ** **
> **1.       **Donabe/API models:
> http://summit.openstack.org/sessions/view/29****
> **2.       **Continuous integration planning:
> http://summit.openstack.org/sessions/view/35****
> ** **
> On top of these two, I would also consider having the following sessions
> (in order of importance):****
> **1.       **Higher layer network services (L4/L7), e.g.: Firewall, NAT,
> VPN****
> **2.       **Improved authorization framework for Quantum, with a full
> RBAC model.****
> **3.       **Quantum API v1.1****
> **a.       **Synchronous vs Asynchronous behaviour and concept of
> “Operational Status”****
> **b.      **Improvements such as Filtering, Rate Limiting, Resource Links,
> pagination****
> **4.       **Cloud Bridging APIs in Quantum****
> ** **
> What’s your opinion?****
> ** **
> Cheers,****
> Salvatore****
> --
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Dan Wendlandt
Nicira Networks, Inc.
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Sr. Product Manager
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