I’m not really sure “you get what you pay for” … compare with OpenWRT … you 
have frequent updates, even in days when some important security flaw is 
discovered, as it happened a few months ago with WiFi. You can even develop 
yourself what you want or pay folks to do it for you.


And of course, you don’t depend on a specific hardware vendor. You can have a 
single model or several ones depending on customer’s needs, but all share the 
same firmware. You can buy very good quality products from China with 1-5 
FastEthernet or Gigabit ports, 1 or dual radio WiFi, 1 or several USB (2.0 or 
3.0), with or without Bluetooth, SD card support, even SATA support, and even 
LTE support. You have so many vendors that you can even decide what CPU you 
prefer to have and even what Wireless chips …


A basic one will be around 15 USD, the most powerful one will be around 30 USD 
(without the LTE interface, but space for it).






De: Mark Tinka <mark.ti...@seacom.mu>
Fecha: viernes, 22 de junio de 2018, 13:23
Para: JORDI PALET MARTINEZ <jordi.pa...@consulintel.es>
CC: "nanog@nanog.org" <nanog@nanog.org>
Asunto: Re: IPv6 faster/better proof? was Re: Need /24 (arin) asap



On 22/Jun/18 12:47, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ wrote:

Yeah I can confirm, as I tested it several times, 6to4 for them is proto41, but 
it is very confusing and against standards nomenclature … This don’t say 
anything good from a vendor, in my opinion!

Even those networks I know running MikroTik for revenue generation don't run 
around saying they think they are working with the best vendor :-).

But the truth is in the numbers - I'm to find another vendor in my parts that 
sells more gear without presence in any country on the continent.


They basically run a Linux … and you have OpenWRT sources with all what they 
need to implement 4in6 transition mechanisms, so no excuses! I must say also 
that no excuses for other CPE vendors, of course, but others at least have 
DS-Lite or even lw4o6. Very few offer 464XLAT (CLAT part is what the CPE needs) 
or MAP-T/E. Hopefully this will change soon.

On the plus side, MikroTik regularly push out updates for their devices, unlike 
traditional home CPE whose updates tend to disappear one year after you buy and 
install them, leaving the only option to update software being a hardware 

Can MikroTik do more, certainly. But this is clearly a case of "you get what 
you pay for". 

On the other hand, Cisco have (yet again) delayed ORR until 2019/2020, if at 
all. Juniper have screwed up their EX switch CLI with this ELS monstrosity, a 
problem they hope to correct in 2019/2020, if at all. And I'm paying through 
eyes for those puppies...


IPv4 is over
Are you ready for the new Internet ?
The IPv6 Company

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