Yep, I've been in this industry since.. '94 or so, and the absolute number
one reason that I do not participate in NANOG is that even going back as
far as I can remember it's been a good-old-boy's club.

Yes, there are some very smart people that speak up, but I see time and
time again the cliques and good-old-boys club mentality inherent in NANOG.
And because of this, the thinking and mindset of NANOG in general will (in
my opinion) never change.

As you mention there is definitely a 'cool kids' or Ivory tower mentality.
And I'm not sure that it really *can* be fixed and more welcoming of newer
members without risking alienating the old guard. So for the most part I
tease out the nuggets of wisdom I can, and ignore most of the mindless
arguments that we have been over time and time again about.


On Sun, Sep 10, 2017 at 6:00 PM, Scott Weeks <> wrote:

> --- wrote:
> From: Bryan Holloway <>
> Had I been a first-time attendee, I would've felt like a
> high-school freshman being told who all the "cool seniors"
> were.
> Frankly, it was awkward and off-putting.
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Not only first time attendees, but also long time list
> participants are made to feel that way; me included for
> making comments about vendor spam or top posting.  I note
> that not only randy is doing what he says, but other old
> schoolers are now gone (such as vixie, li and others) who
> are folks that a person could learn a lot from.
> scott
> ps.  I always shot peas at the "cool kids" table in the
> lunch room in high school.  From time-to-time I want
> virtual peas to shoot now days...  >;-)

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