This leads to a good point, and I think the point Randy was trying to make
- the Board elections should not be a popularity contest, either in terms
of who people like or who the best engineers are. It should *not* be
focused on who has the most fun at the socials or the room parties.
+1 ... and ..
... if I may expand candidly on this, I'd like to see a little less of
an -- to use the term loosely -- "Old Boys Network" mentality at meetings.
I point specifically to the opening talk at Bellevue where there were
wackily photoshop'd pictures of NANOG star heavy-hitters.
I consider myself a relative newcomer to the community, and I find the
meetings invaluable, but I've been to enough of them to know who the
folks pictured were. Had I been a first-time attendee, I would've felt
like a high-school freshman being told who all the "cool seniors" were.
Frankly, it was awkward and off-putting.
Just my $0.02 worth.
On Fri, Sep 8, 2017 at 2:28 AM Randy Bush <> wrote:
my impression is that, in recent years, one has to be a white frat boy
who is proud of being drunk.
randy, who stopped attending