I think you would have to work very hard to find a more sober group of individuals than the current and past members of the NANOG Board. I don't disagree with Randy that there is too much drinking and too much white frat boy nonsense in our industry. That being said, if you look at the past members of the NANOG board - folks like Sylvie, Dave, Ryan, Greg, Steve F, Mike Smith, Steve Gibbard, Duane, Jezzibell - you'll find people who *don't* buy into the party culture that sometimes surrounds NANOG.
This leads to a good point, and I think the point Randy was trying to make - the Board elections should not be a popularity contest, either in terms of who people like or who the best engineers are. It should *not* be focused on who has the most fun at the socials or the room parties. Carefully look at the qualifications of who is running. Do they have prior experience on NANOG committees? Are they long time volunteers who understand the community and its mission? Are they diverse and help us look more like the network engineering community at large? There are a great mix of folks running. Some clearly do not meet these standards. Some do. Please be discerning in your vote. Dan On Fri, Sep 8, 2017 at 2:28 AM Randy Bush <ra...@psg.com> wrote: > my impression is that, in recent years, one has to be a white frat boy > who is proud of being drunk. > > randy, who stopped attending >