-----Original Message----- From: Mark Andrews [mailto:ma...@isc.org] Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2015 7:46 PM To: Chuck Church <chuckchu...@gmail.com> Cc: 'Matthew Petach' <mpet...@netflight.com>; 'North American Network Operators' Group' <nanog@nanog.org> Subject: Re: Nat
>I have a single CPE router and 3 /64's in use. One for each of the wireless SSID's and one for the wired network. This is the default for homenet devices. A single /64 means you >have to bridge all the traffic. >A single /64 has never been enough and it is time to grind that myth into the ground. ISP's that say a single /64 is enough are clueless. Mark, I agree that a /48 or /56 being reserved for business customers/sites is reasonable. But for residential use, I'm having a hard time believing multi-subnet home networks are even remotely common outside of networking folk such as the NANOG members. A lot of recent IPv4 devices such as smart TVs have the ability to auto-discover things they can talk to on the network. If we start segmenting our home networks to keep toasters from talking to thermostats, doesn't this end up meaning your average home user will need to be proficient in writing FW rules? Bridging an entire house network isn't that bad. Chuck