Publicly shame them by listing the ones who don't fully support IPv6. List
them here, so we know to choose their competition.
On Dec 16, 2015 8:39 PM, "Berry Mobley" <> wrote:

> At 08:22 PM 12/16/2015, Randy Bush wrote:
>> > We need to put some pain onto everyone that is IPv4 only.
>> this is the oppress the workers so they will revolt theory.  load of
>> crap.
>> make ipv6 easier to deploy, especially in enterprise.  repeat the
>> previous sentence 42 times.
> This. I'm in an enterprise with some stubborn vendors, and none of them
> are even talking about ipv6. It won't help me to move (and it won't help
> you to get well if you're here) if my users can't get to their stuff.
> Berry

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