
Why? Why do WE "need" to force people to bend to our will? The market will get 
us all there eventually. 

I don't like what you eat. Lets put a surcharge on it to make you feel pain and 
do what I want. :)

 -mel beckman

> On Dec 16, 2015, at 3:55 PM, Mark Andrews <> wrote:
> This doesn't put pain on those that have enough addresses that they don't need
> to NAT yet.  We need to put some pain onto everyone that is IPv4 only.
> Mark
>> On 17/12/2015, at 10:39 AM, Charles Monson <> 
>> wrote:
>> We need to make IPv4 painful to use.  Adding  delay between SYN and SYN/ACK 
>> would
>> be one way to achieve this.  Start at 100ms..200ms and increase it by 100ms 
>> each year.
>> It seems like NAT would be another way to make IPv4 more painful to use.

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