> On Jul 15, 2015, at 13:23 , Ricky Beam <jfb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 15 Jul 2015 15:20:08 -0400, Owen DeLong <o...@delong.com> wrote:
>>>> That's the big difference - IPv6 has been designed to provide abundant
>>>> address space.
>>> There is no amount of fixed address space that can't be consumed with 
>>> stupid allocation policies.
>> True. However, are you making the argument that any of the current or 
>> proposed allocation policies are, in fact, stupid in such a way that this is 
>> likely?
> What seems like a great idea today becomes tomorrow's "what the f*** were 
> they thinking".

But I can already say “what the F*** were they thinking about /60.
I can kind of see it being valid on /56.
I have a harder time arguing about /52s, but once you go that far is there any 
meaningful difference that makes it worth the trouble not going to /48?

Besides, if /48s don’t become tomorrows what the f*** were they thinking, then 
it will be something else.

I will point out that nobody has said “what the F*** were they thinking” when 
they made it possible to use 4GB of RAM instead of just 640k, but lots of 
people have said “what the F*** were they thinking when they limited it to 


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