On Tue, 2015-07-14 at 21:15 -0700, Randy Bush wrote:
> > The big difference between IPv4 initial policies and IPv6 initial
> > policies is that with IPv4 there were no policies to speak of in the
> > early days. Space was handed out more or less willy-nilly - so some US
> > organisations ended up with multiple A-classes each, while later on all
> > of Vietnam got one /26.
> this is not really true.  viet nam was not in the early days at all

Er - yes. That's why I said "later".

> and the cause of the small allocation was techno-colonialiasm
> by telco.

Is a techno-colonialiasm the end result of some sort of musical/military

On reflection I think I was wrong about the /26 anyway. It would have
been much less. The first Internet-like connection into Vietnam, around
1992, was dialup links from the Australian National University and
basically just carried email. It was probably just a few end-point
addresses. By the time there was anything properly Internetty into
Vietnam it was the late 90s.

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (ka...@biplane.com.au)

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