On Wed, 15 Jul 2015 16:23:36 -0400, "Ricky Beam" said:

> What seems like a great idea today becomes tomorrow's "what the f*** were
> they thinking".
However, this statement doesn't provide any actual guidance, as it's
potentially equally applicable to the "give each end customer a /48" crew and
the "Give them all a /56" crew.....

Actually, not true - in fact, it's demonstrable that a residential customer
can run through a /56.  Just get a largish house, put up one router using
CeroWRT (or, I suspect a current/recent OpenWRT) that burns through 6-7 subnet
allocations), and then put a second one at the other end of the house and
it burns through 6-7.  The second one has to dhcp-pd request at least 3 bits
for itself, which leaves the first one only 5 bits, of which *it* will burn
at least 3.  If you create any VLANs at all, you just burned 4 and 4 bits,
and there goes that /56.

And that's burned all the subnets in a /56 *just hooking up 2 plug and play
routers*.  There's none left for doing anything experimental/different.

(And I suspect Dave Taht can provide several CeroWRT config checkboxes that
will each burn another 1-3 bits each if you click on them and hit "apply" :)

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