Well, I was wondering the same. I am guessing it depends on the SLA
contract since they are all very unique and specific. I assume they would
have to, granted the issue lasted for a couple hours. Now, it depends on
how they define the outage. A fiber cut that yields a customer's service
unusable would be an easy SLA breach. Their legal team most likely removed
any liability due to someone else's negligence, although you could argue
they were negligent as well. So in this case they can claim the whole "best
effort" thing and get away with it. I am not a L3 customer, so was just
wondering out of curiosity.

On Sun, Jun 14, 2015 at 8:07 PM, Aftab Siddiqui <aftab.siddi...@gmail.com>

> Hi Rafael,
> I get that much, just wondering if Level3 would have to pay an SLA breach
>> to its customers given the mess started with TM (even though it could have
>> been avoided). And I am guessing if they do, they wouldn't be able to
>> recover anything from TM.
> I doubt if L3 has to pay anything to its customers in terms of SLA breach,
> its best effort. Are you aware of any such agreement which suggest
> otherwise? that would be interesting.

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