
They provided a "simple sorry":

    "We apologise for any inconvenience caused by the service disruption."

It doesn't get much more simple than that.

 -mel beckman

> On Jun 14, 2015, at 2:21 PM, Raymond Dijkxhoorn <raym...@prolocation.net> 
> wrote:
> Hai!
> Mark, mistakes and oopses happen. No problem at all. I understand that 
> completely. There is human faillure and this happenes. 
> A simple 'sorry' would have done. Yet their whole message tells 'they did ok' 
> In my very limited view they did NOT ok. Did i misread?
> I am also very much looking how level3 is going to prevent things like this. 
> But out of own experience they will not. We have seen before that they 
> implemented filtering based on customer lists. But not a per customer filter. 
> They did this globally. So any l3 customer can announce routes of another l3 
> customer. While this can be changed this outage tells there is certainly room 
> for improvements. 
> I hope people will learn from what happened and implement proper filtering. 
> Thats even more important then a message from a operator that didnt even 
> understand fully what they caused to the internet globally. 
> Thanks,
> Raymond Dijkxhoorn
>> Op 14 jun. 2015 om 23:04 heeft Mark Tinka <mark.ti...@seacom.mu> het 
>> volgende geschreven:
>>> On 14/Jun/15 22:55, Raymond Dijkxhoorn wrote:
>>> Hai!
>>> Wouw! This is what they came up with?! 
>>> Hopefully Level3 will take appropriate measures. Its amazing. Really. 
>>> 'Some internationally routes' 
>>> Have they any idea what they did at all?
>>> Its amazing that with parties like that the internet still works as is <tm> 
>>> ...
>> I wouldn't be as hard. Stuff happens - and as they said, during a
>> maintenance activity, they boo-boo'ed.
>> Are Level(3) going to own up and say they should have had filters in
>> place? I certainly hope they do.
>> But more importantly, are Level(3) going to implement the filters
>> against TM's circuit? Are they going to run around the network looking
>> for any additional customer circuits that need plugging? That's my
>> concern...
>> Mark.

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