
Mark, mistakes and oopses happen. No problem at all. I understand that 
completely. There is human faillure and this happenes. 

A simple 'sorry' would have done. Yet their whole message tells 'they did ok' 
In my very limited view they did NOT ok. Did i misread?

I am also very much looking how level3 is going to prevent things like this. 
But out of own experience they will not. We have seen before that they 
implemented filtering based on customer lists. But not a per customer filter. 
They did this globally. So any l3 customer can announce routes of another l3 
customer. While this can be changed this outage tells there is certainly room 
for improvements. 

I hope people will learn from what happened and implement proper filtering. 
Thats even more important then a message from a operator that didnt even 
understand fully what they caused to the internet globally. 

Raymond Dijkxhoorn

> Op 14 jun. 2015 om 23:04 heeft Mark Tinka <mark.ti...@seacom.mu> het volgende 
> geschreven:
>> On 14/Jun/15 22:55, Raymond Dijkxhoorn wrote:
>> Hai!
>> Wouw! This is what they came up with?! 
>> Hopefully Level3 will take appropriate measures. Its amazing. Really. 
>> 'Some internationally routes' 
>> Have they any idea what they did at all?
>> Its amazing that with parties like that the internet still works as is <tm> 
>> ...
> I wouldn't be as hard. Stuff happens - and as they said, during a
> maintenance activity, they boo-boo'ed.
> Are Level(3) going to own up and say they should have had filters in
> place? I certainly hope they do.
> But more importantly, are Level(3) going to implement the filters
> against TM's circuit? Are they going to run around the network looking
> for any additional customer circuits that need plugging? That's my
> concern...
> Mark.

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