On Oct 25, 2014, at 9:38 PM, Danny McPherson <da...@tcb.net> wrote:

> On 2014-10-24 15:24, Christopher Morrow wrote:
>> it seems to me that there are a couple simple issues with IRR data
>> (historically):
>>  1) no authority for it (really, at least in the ARIN region)
>>  2) no common practice of keeping it updated
>>  3) proxy-registration issues (probably part of cleanup and authority issues)
>>  4) lack of widespread use due to the above issues.
> I think that's a subset of the issues.  Those and others are captured here:
> <https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-grow-irr-routing-policy-considerations-05>
> Ironically, many of the issues that lead to decay in IRR use have been 
> resolved, while others exist in RPKI, even.
> Baldur's RIPE IRR point is a fair one and worthy of consideration, I'm all 
> for low-hanging fruit.
>> I was/am hopeful that providing some path from IANA (eventually) on
>> down through RIR to LIR to end-user for 'authority to use' ip
>> resources would help in letting people use the IRR data cleansed of
>> insanity by the data from this path, and then into routers for route
>> filters.
> And datapath filters for inter-domain anti-spoofing, perhaps, as it's largely 
> the same policy (I know there are corner cases people that don't want to do 
> this point out).
>> The RPKI system looks like the path in question, to me.
> I know you're an RPKI fan, I'm at peace with that :-)
> However, unless you can fortify the systems that RPKI (or any other resource 
> certification infrastructure) would inform, operators have little incentive 
> to use it as all the systems that are already deployed and still have to use 
> (e.g., whois, in-addr.arpa, IRR, etc.) still have to be used and managed and 
> operated.   RPKI adds considerable complexity, costs, scaling challenges, new 
> external dependencies, etc..  I actually think it'd have been a challenge to 
> design something _more complicated than RPKI to address the problem space, 
> but that's just me.

I had dinner with Russ and Wes during the LA ICANN meeting, and asked, in 
passing, whether RPKI conferred any benefits that just throwing appropriate IRR 
records into a signed in-addr didn’t, and they had an answer in the 
affirmative, but I can’t remember the details now, because I was jet-lagged and 
it was in the middle of a conversation about something else.  Russ, Wes, anyone 
else with an interest, could you explain that again?


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