On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 4:45 AM, Faisal Imtiaz <fai...@snappytelecom.net> wrote:
> So, this is more of a 'opinion' / 'feel' (with all due respect) comment, and 
> not something which has a (presently) compelling technical reasoning behind 
> it ?

Think of something like HIPnet
with multiple levels of home devices performing routing
(prefix delegation), with multiple networks off of each.
Even a /56 can easily end up being too little for multiple
levels in a residence.  If one believes in the IoT/IoE
hype, everything will have a IPv6 address, and many
of those devices might have multiple internal networks.
So, yes, I assert based on a "feel" that a /48 is the right
choice, because I am hoping to not make the same
mistakes as with IPv4, and under estimate the growth
of the network by the customers, resulting in all
sorts of convoluted workarounds for not having
enough addresses and options to do things right.

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