On Jun 17, 2014, at 12:55 , Grzegorz Janoszka <grzeg...@janoszka.pl> wrote:

> On 2014-06-17 21:46, David Conrad wrote:
>>>>> No, 8 individual IPv6 addresses.
>>>> Wow. Harsh.  I burn more than that just in my living room.
>>> I don't think that is too harsh as all 8 are assigned to a single server. 
>>> So if I have three VPS's, I have 24 total addresses.
>> In the case of my 3 VPS's, I've received /64s from both RootBSD.net and Arp 
>> Networks or 55,340,232,221,128,654,848 addresses. I'm not sure I see a 
>> rationale for assigning 8 addresses. That is, I could understand assigning a 
>> single address or a /64 but 8 addresses? I'd think that'd be more 
>> complicated/error prone than either the /128 or /64 options. A bit odd.
> There are still applications that break with subnet smaller than /64, so all 
> VPS providers probably have to use /64 addressing.
> /64 for one customer seems to be too much, on the other side 8 IP's can be 
> not enough in some cases. I think 65536 out of shared /64 for one server can 
> be enough. You can easily automate provisioning and reverse DNS assuming you 
> assign /112 for each server.
> If you block SLAAC and provide connectivity to only the static IP's, your 
> abuse folks should appreciate it (yes, I know you can spoof v6).

There's no problem with assigning at least a /64 per customer even for VPSs.

There are plenty of /64s to go around.

Please stop trying to push the IPv4 scarcity mentality into IPv6. Subnet where 
it makes sense to subnet and assign a /64 to each subnet, whether it has 2 
hosts or 2,000 hosts does not matter.

In reality, the difference in waste between a /64 with 2,000 hosts on it and a 
subnet with 2 hosts on it is less than 0.00001%.


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