On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 12:31:49 PM Grzegorz Janoszka 

> I haven't done extensive testing. I have just tried to
> divide a /64 into smaller subnets and to run Debian and
> Windows on it (as Matthew Petach did with his FreeBSD).
> I think I have tried /112 or /120. Debian was mostly
> fine, just one torrent or newsgroups client couldn't do
> v6 (can't recall which one), with Windows it was a
> different story and basically nothing really worked.

That's interesting.

I've run /112's on OpenSUSE, FreeBSD (from 7.0 up to 10), 
Windows 7, Windows 8 and Mac OS X (since Tiger) and haven't 
had any issues worth remembering.


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