I find the /50 particularly odd as it's not a nibble boundary and very close to /48. It's almost certain this is an operator who fails to grasp that they could have easily gotten a larger allocation from their RIR if they just asked for it and provided the appropriate justification in terms of giving /48s to their customers. OTOH, it's far better than those ridiculous providers that are screwing over their customers with /56s or even worse, /60s.
It's Time-Warner, and they are not ignorant. I think they're experimenting. They are still working out bugs in their internal routing, since my v6 routes have an annoying habit of disappearing inside their network if I don't do a ping that passes through them every couple of minutes.
Also, it may not actuallly be a /50. That's what their rwhois says, but I haven't done a tcpdump so I don't know what size they're actually offering me.
Regards, John Levine, jo...@iecc.com, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies", Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail. http://jl.ly