Man is this strange: when I set my DHCP server to assign the Sipura box a fixed IP address, the VoIP box didn't work. When I let it assign an address out of the pool, it did work. Same device, same LAN, same /24 subnet, same ISC DHCP server. The Sipura has a web server, so I could confirm that in both cases the IP, subnet mask, DNS, and gateway were what the DHCP server assigned.

I also have a more modern Linksys 2102 configured by a VoIP provider, same DHCP strangeness. Beats me.

John Levine,, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies",
Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail.

On Mon, 11 Feb 2013, Travis Mikalson wrote:

John Levine wrote:
As another reference point, I really liked the sipura atas, they were my
personal favorite as far as the gear we used. I don't know how well that
translates to after the linksys takeover though, as I haven't done voice
gear in a few years.

Got a Sipura SPA-1001, can't get it to work, similar issues.

I found that my router had SIP ALG turned on, turned it off,
now the Grandstream mostly works.  Sigh.  Didn't help the
Sipura, though.

If behind NAT: On the sipura/linksys ATA, admin login, switch to
advanced view, SIP tab. Ensure the following "NAT Support Parameters"
are enabled.
Handle VIA received, Handle VIA report, Insert VIA received, Insert VIA
rport, Substitute VIA Addr, Send Resp To Src Port. I never use a STUN
server, I've found it causes too much delay in answering a call.

It might be in a slightly different place than described above on the
newer SPA-1001/112, but the options are the same.

John Levine,, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies",
Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail.

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