I'm in the midst of what would be a comedy of errors if it weren't so annoying. I bought a new Grandstream HT701 VoIP terminal adapter from a guy on eBay who is apparently an official Grandstream reseller. It doesn't work. The guy I bought it from (whose support ends at "nobody else has that problem") pointed fingers at Grandstream, whose support has been, well, impressive and not in a good way.
I've done packet traces on the LAN with the box, I know what the problem is: there's something wrong with the box so it doesn't respond to the Proxy-Authenticate: challenge from my SIP provider. I know the challenge is OK, I have an old VoIP phone of theirs which works fine, on the same LAN with the same provider and the same configuration. Unfortunately, Grandstream's support staff is apparently unfamilar with packet traces and networks, and after a variety of obviously wrong diagoses (no, it's not a NAT problem, you can see the responses coming back from the remote system, etc.) seems unable to understand that a packet trace is, you know, a trace of the actual packets that have passed by the device's NIC. There's more, but you get the idea. Does anyone else here use their equipment? Is there any way to find support for this stuff who can actually provide support? R's, John