Once upon a time, Wayne E Bouchard <w...@typo.org> said:
> And that's the main reason I never order cables with boots on them.
> They're mostly just unnecessary headaches. (BTW, you forgot to mention
> them slipping loose and just pulling away from the connector or the
> tab slipping out from under the rubber and making the cable all the
> more difficult to remove.)

I have seen one good use for boots.  Somebody had a cable (that was in a
position that made it difficult to replace or re-crimp) that had a RJ45
with a bad tab.  It wasn't broken off, but it wouldn't really latch into
the jack.  So, they pulled the boot back slightly and slipped the "bump"
of the boot _under_ the tab, and that held it up and the cable stayed

Chris Adams <cmad...@hiwaay.net>
Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

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