Some companies such as Apple have completely removed Ethernet ports from
their Pro line laptops.

Other vendors, such as ASUS, have thin laptops with collapsing Ethernet
ports that tuck into the case.

On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 1:37 PM, Naslund, Steve <>wrote:

> I have noticed that too.  However it is not the RJ-45 connector's fault.
> It is the morons that insist on recessing connectors in places where you
> can't get your finger on the tab.  I like the patch cords that have the
> kind of loop/spring thing for a tab that does not catch on everything
> and that way you don't need the boot over the tab.  Another pet peeve of
> mine is connector boots that harden up over time so it is nearly
> impossible to flex the tab to remove the cable.  Also, how about the 48
> port 6500 blades and trying to remove the cables near the blade
> extraction tabs.  Grrrr.
> Steven Naslund
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric Wieling []
> Sent: Friday, December 21, 2012 11:30 AM
> To: Naslund, Steve;
> Subject: RE: why haven't ethernet connectors changed?
> The only thing I would change about RJ-45 is a longer tab (but make it
> optional) for when you care more about ease of removal than cable
> tangles.   Polycom phones are hell to try and unplug the RJ-45, for
> example.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Naslund, Steve []
> Sent: Friday, December 21, 2012 11:43 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: why haven't ethernet connectors changed?
> Please, no connectors that do not lock into place.  Is plugging in the
> RJ-45 that much of a task?  Most portable devices are going wireless in
> any case so they are not an issue.  The RJ-45 has worked OK for me.  The
> AUI connectors have a special place in networking hell.  What an
> incredibly horrible mechanical design they were?  The flip side of the
> question is why you think the RJ-45 should change.  You could argue that
> you don't usually need all eight wires but every time we tried that
> argument someone came up with a compelling reason to use more wires.  I
> like that it is very standard.  In the fiber world it is a continuous
> issue of hybrid patch cords dealing with ST,SC,LC and all the other
> variants out there.  It would be a huge nightmare if the same thing
> happened with copper Ethernet.
> I am also not a huge fan of the USB connector because I have seen a lot
> of those break and there is no positive retention.  Magnetic is cute but
> has no place in a datacenter and even with desktops I can picture a lot
> of support calls because someone bumps a wire that knocks the mag
> connector out of place.  I really hate dongles of all types but I guess
> you don't really have a choice with devices so physically thin that you
> can't get the jack in there.
> I think I will keep the RJ for now.
> Steven Naslund
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Aled Morris []
> Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2012 12:38 PM
> To: Michael Thomas
> Cc: NANOG list
> Subject: Re: why haven't ethernet connectors changed?
> On 20 December 2012 18:20, Michael Thomas <> wrote
> > ethernet
> > connectors haven't changed that I'm aware in pretty much 25 years.
> 15-pin D-type AUI connectors with slide latches?
> BNC for thinwire?
> I do agree though, something more like mini-USB would be more
> appropriate for home Ethernet use.
> Aled

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